An Open Letter From A Grown Up Homeschooler

I was 7 years old when my parents decided to homeschool me. I had just completed 2nd grade in a public school in a really small town in Indiana when I was told that my mom would be my teacher. I remained homeschooled until my high school graduation. I didn’t really think it was that big of a deal back then, but now that I am a 24yr old, college educated woman, I realize that it WAS a big deal.

Throw back picture from 2010! Was it really 8 years ago??

See, it didn’t take long before the questionable looks and the offhand comments started pouring in.

“You are homeschooled? You seem normal though.”

“Don’t you want to be someplace where you can have friends?”

“Are you going to be ready for college?”

“How do homeschoolers find people to date?”

“You’re so sheltered, OMG.”

Back then, I didn’t know what to say. When people tell you that you’re not going to turn out “normal” you have doubts. There were times when I wondered if I would end up alone. I wondered if I would do well in college. When I first graduated and went on to college, I hardly told anyone because I was afraid that people would treat me differently. Looking back, I realize that I should have been more proud of being a homeschooler.

Another throw back! Eating chocolate while studying- old habits die hard!

As a child, I was given SO MUCH more freedom to play and explore than public school kids. I could finish my lessons by lunch time and then spend the rest of the day playing outside, meeting up with other homeschoolers, shadowing my mom as she interacted with the “real world” (Dr. appointments, grocery stores, banks, insurance, etc). I traveled with my family to lots of cool places that I wouldn’t have been able to go if I had a strict schedule.

I was able to grow up and be sure of who I was, what I wanted out of life, my values, my faith, etc. In college, it felt like everyone around me was exploring now that they had some form of independence. I had that independence for 10 years already!

Looking back, all my fears were silly.

I graduated Summa Cum Laude from my college.

I have awesome friends.

I found the love of my life.

I have no problem socializing or interacting with the world.

Back in 2016 when we had our engagement photos taken.

In fact, I was able to remove myself from a lot of negative things found in the public school system.

I didn’t have to deal with middle school drama. Instead, I gained confidence.

I didn’t feel the need to compare myself with others.

I didn’t waste so much time sitting around and was able to get a lot more things done in a day.

I wasn’t told what to believe in science class or brainwashed in history class.

So if I could go back, I would stand up to those people who questioned my family’s decision to homeschool me and my siblings. I’m not trying to bash anyone, but I feel like there’s still negative/ unsure opinions around homeschooling families and I wish it would stop. In fact, I encourage more able families to make the switch. Don’t let the same fears and doubts I talked about stop you from making the leap of faith.

Here I am. A grown up product of homeschooling and I have had zero obstacles related to being homeschooled. In fact, I am appreciative of the experience and feel blessed to have had such an upbringing.


18 thoughts on “An Open Letter From A Grown Up Homeschooler

  1. Great, open post! I know there are stereotypes given to “homeschoolers”…but really, homeschooled children do have opportunities others don’t! I think it can be a wonderful experience 💗


  2. I loved this post so much! I feel the same way sometimes, and I’ve definitely heard those comments quite a few times! Sorry it’s taken me so long to check out your blog. Thank you so much for the follow! I’ve followed back. From what I’ve seen so far, your posts seem very helpful. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!


  3. Thank you so much for writing this! As another grown-up homeschooler, I relate 100%
    So many people are negative on homeschooling that it creates a lot of false insecurity for homeschoolers – I was so scared I wasn’t going to be successful in college. I was told I wouldn’t adjust or make friends, and that I would be clueless about dating. But like you, I also graduated college with honors, have plenty of genuine friendships, and am happily married.


    1. Girl, I didn’t know you were homeschooled! That’s awesome! Yeah, I felt like I had to write something about it because sometimes people give me a hard time about it. Look, we turned out all right haha


  4. Thanks for this, Emily. My wife homeschools our 3 kids and I had no experience with homeschool before that. As a public school kid I am well aware of the drawbacks and I totally see the value in our kids staying home with their mother as long as it makes sense for all of them. I appreciate hearing about your experience a lot. Thanks for sharing!


    1. Thank you for taking the time to read it! My parents felt the same way when we first started out. They we’re a little apprehensive. I’m such an advocate for homeschooling and plan on homeschooling my own kids when that day comes. You’re doing a good thing!


  5. Such an interesting post! I’ve never thought of all those benefits of homeschooling before, like being able to shadow your mom in the “real world” early on. And finishing your classes by lunch! That sounds so cool. I always thought throughout high school that I’d be able to finish all my lessons if I were at home on my own instead–so much time is wasted in a traditional classroom setting. Such great insight!

    Miles of smiles,


  6. I was home-schooled for two years, and now I go to a christian school. When I met friends from public schools, I was shocked at how different the school system was. I now realize how important the freedom of my religion at school, is to me.

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    1. Thanks for sharing your story! Yes, I taught in a public school last year and it was just so different! It is definitely a blessing to be homeschooled, even if just for a little while! Thanks for checking out my blog! I hope you keep in touch!😊

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